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Poke fixie kickstarter fashion axe mixtape brunch. Small batch bushwick master cleanse waistcoat, everyday carry chillwave la croix. Jianbing next level narwhal, messenger bag.

Let’s Launch
Your Day Dream

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Etsy sriracha williamsburg thundercats literally vinyl selfies distillery squid humblebrag. Glossier church-key subway tile squid, artisan pop-up.

Empowering Those Who Want to Thrive

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A Quiz Would Be Great Here

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Etsy sriracha williamsburg thundercats literally vinyl selfies distillery squid humblebrag. Glossier church-key subway tile squid, artisan pop-up pok pok letterpress disrupt dreamcatcher tacos.


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Etsy sriracha williamsburg literally vinyl selfies distillery squid. Glossier church-key subway tile squid, artisan pop-up pok pok letterpress disrupt dreamcatcher tacos.


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the salted rim


“Honestly, this program changed my business forever and enriched my whole dang life.”


I'm Christy,your
personal educator.

Together we can turn thoughts into things. Whether I am teaching the Law of Attraction and manifestation or how to help kids thrive through positivity, one of my greatest gifts is taking complex concepts and making them easy to understand. I want to help you develop the skills that will create success for you. Together we will leverage your strengths, tap into your superpowers, and program your mind for success. My intention is that you stop playing small and realize your potential. You will become happier, more confident, and feel at ease. Doesn't that sound good?

more about me

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My 50 Affirmations and Mantras to Help You Manifest

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You have to Believe to Receive - And Never Doubt

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Just for You

Just for You:
My 50 Affirmations and Mantras to
Help You Manifest

Ready to manifest?
These are the specific affirmations I used to get where I am today.
I am giving them to you today for free!
Every thought, word, and feeling emits a vibration. You need to make sure your affirmations are in alignment with your vision.
This free download will do it for you.

Click below to get it now.

Click Here to Access

Free guide

"My soul is in alignment with my goal."

Ready to Make Your Dreams Happen?

schedule a consult

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5 Secrets to A Better Launch

it's not free ice cream, but it's close:

Link this to a freebie page, opt-in elswhere, or embed a first name + email form inline below!